011 609 0962 info@scmgrp.co.za

SCM Group

SCM is a dynamic business driven by enthusiastic entrepreneurial spirits. We encourage all staff to be innovative and to do things differently. Our staff is our strongest asset and we will continue to train and encourage development of the previously disadvantaged, but not discriminating against any other race, creed, religion and gender. We believe it is our people that make SCM successful and indeed their diversity that makes it all happen not forgetting our personalized attention to each and every customer.

SCM Group Pty Ltd was established in 2014. Our client base includes companies in the Chemicals, Mining, Glass, Detergent and Food industries.
As the chemical industry is a very demanding one, we found that the supply chain to be a key contributor to excellent service to the customer.


Reliable long-term supply – SCM has established long-term relationships with our suppliers with traceable track records, thus we can guarantee long-term sustainable supply. Consistently high-quality product – Product that is of an exceptionally high quality. This is monitored through stringent tests conducted in a fully accredited laboratory.

Competitive pricing – SCM Group will quote the best competitive market prices available.
Shortened lead time requirements – SCM Group will commit to holding 6 weeks of stock at our warehouse and have 6 weeks of stock on the water at any given time as per the requirements of our customers.Outstanding customer services – We have a dedicated team of individuals who share in a common vision and that is to provide a truly world class service to all our customers.


“To be an outstanding chemical distributor and service provider, driven by enthusiastic and dynamic people, with the utmost integrity, providing exceptional service to meet the needs of our customers”


SCM Chemicals
SCM Warehousing and Distribution
SCM Bulk Handling